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Quaid e Azam Premier Cricket League : Annual General Meeting
Shipley College, Saltaire
3rd November 2021


Click here to download a copy of the Agenda

· Apologise

· Welcome and statement from Chairperson

· League Accounts

· League Committee –  Elections

Executive Chairperson

Basharat Husain (Proposed by Rajpoot CC, AK Eagles CC, Bhalot CC,  Bradford Moor CC and Indus Ghari CC)

Executive Vice Chairperson

Amir Majid (Proposed by Bradford Moor CC, and Indus Ghari)

Executive Results and Registration Officer

Methab Afzal (Proposed by Heaton Park CC)

Muhammad Maan (Proposed by Northcliffe)

Hasnain Mughal (proposed by Rajpoot CC)

Hanzaq Mir (Proposed by Bradford Moor CC and Indus Ghari CC)

Executive Chief Officer

Muhammad Maan (Proposed by Northcliffe)

Hasnain Mughal (Rajpoot CC)

Executive Finance Officer

Adil Mehmood (Bhalot CC, Bradford Moor and Indus Ghari CC)

Executive Umpires Officer

Mohammed Nazir (Proposed by Bradford Moor CC and Indus Ghari)

Hasnain Mughal (proposed by AK Eagles CC)

Constitution Proposals

Review Points system to balance low scoring games – Proposed by Heaton Park CC

Free hit for all no balls –  Proposed by Heaton Park

Review play off structure –

A) Top two promoted with the highest points gaining title – Proposed by – Bhalot CC and Rising Star CC.

B) In the play off, top two play each other and the winner gains title, the loser plays the winner of second place winner and the winner of this match gains promotion – Punjab CC and Heaton Park CC

Consider changing league structure for Crescent and Star Section
For season 2023 league should consist on 3 divisions where top 5 teams from both Star & Crescent sections would qualify for Section A and the bottom 5 teams from each sections would play in section B , and top 2 team should qualify for promotion in next season and bottom 2 from both Premier & Section A to be relegated accordingly – Proposed by Indus Ghari CC, Rising Star CC and Scouthill CC

Review Teas – Home team not to provide teas – Diamond CC

Review points for forfeited game in the event of all game being rain off without a ball being bowled and award rained off point only – Bhalot CC

Both Eid may fall on Sunday, cancel and award 2 points – Heaton Park CC

Cup final to be moved to 28th Aug and reserve day the 29th Aug –  Whiterose CC

Introduce fielding restriction from Quarter Finals – AK Eagles CC

Extend fielding restriction to cup and Crescent and Star Section – Heaton Park CC and Northcliffe CC

Proposal to Introduce Shield competition (top 15 play in cup and the lower 15 in the Shield – Proposed by Bhalot CC

Proposal to Introduce T20 competition –  Proposed by Rising Star CC

Review transfer rule, allow player to seek 2nd transfer but only to a different section within the transfer window – Proposed by AK Eagles CC

To create Premier Section and Star/Crescent Umpires award consistent with player averages –  Proposed by Heaton Park CC

12 or 15 awards ticket and trophies free for Champion teams – Proposed by Rajpoot and Kashmir CC

Transfer all scoring on to the play cricket live scorer – Proposed Bradford Moor CC

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