Breaking News


Grounds Support Webinar

Groundmans v2

The Yorkshire Cricket Board in partnership with Grounds Management Association and the County Pitch Advisors are hosting a Grounds Support Webinar’ for grounds staff & volunteers across the county on Tuesday 22nd February and Thursday 24th February from 7pm till 8pm. The GMA’s Regional Pitch Advisor for Cricket in the North & Midlands, Andy Welsby, will be on call to …

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First post for Season 2022 sets a new record – 527 views in 24 hours.

Fixtures 2022

The post for the table structures and fixtures for season 2022 uploaded on Thursday attracted 527 views within the first 24 hours and continues to attract intrgued viewers to see who they have been drawn with and the full season programme. The videos below maintains the league’s transparency of the draws and demonstrate how the Crescent, Jinnah and Star Section …

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Season 2022 Table structure and Fixtures now available

Fixtures 2022

With the demand for new applications the league has now extended the second tier from 2 to 3 sections to give all the clubs the same opportunity to play for the top two places to gain promotion into the Premier Section. The extension from 2 to 3 section has also increased the play off from 4 to 6 clubs. The …

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Dewsbury Super League – Season 2022 League Fixtures

Dewsbury league Fixtures

Week 1Sunday17/4/2022PKWAvRochdale LionsJhelumvGujarkhan StarsKKvKlassicAMYAvKashmir   Week 2Sunday24/4/2022KashmirvKKKlassicvJhelumGujarkhanvPKWARochdale LionsvAMYA   Week 3Sunday1/5/2022PKWAvKlassicJhelumvKashmirKKvAMYARochdale LionsvGujarkhan   Week 4Sunday8/5/2022KKvRochdale LionsAMYAvJhelumKashmirvPKWAKlassicvGujarkhan   Week 5Sunday15/5/2022PKWAvAMYAJhelumvKKGujarkhan TigersvKashmirRochdale LionsvKlassic   Week 6Sunday22/5/2022JhelumvRochdale LionsKKvPKWAAMYAvGujarkhan StarsKashmirvKlassic   Week 7Sunday29/5/2022PKWAvJhelumKlassicvAMYAGujarkhan StarsvKKRochdale LionsvKashmir   Cup 1st RoundSunday5/6/2022A. AMYAvKashmir (F4)B. KlassicvRochdale Lions (F2)C. KKvPKWA (F3)D. JhelumvGujarkhan (F1)   Week 8Sunday12/6/2022Rochdale LionsvPKWAGujarkhan StarsvJhelumKlassicvKKKashmirvAMYA   Week 9Sunday19/6/2022KKvKashmirJhelumvKlassicPKWAvGujarkhanAMYAvRochdale Lions   T20 1st RoundSunday26/6/2022A. KashmirvKlassic (F1)B. AMYAvJhelum (F4)C. PKWAvGujarkhan (F2)D. Rochdale LionsvKK (F3)   8 a side CompetitionSunday3/7/2022   Week 11Sunday10/7/2022KlassicvPKWAKashmirvJhelumAMYAvKKGujarkhanvRochdale Lions   Cup Semi FinalsSunday17/7/2022PKWAvAMYAJhelumvRochdale   Week 13Sunday24/7/2022Rochdale LionsvKKJhelumvAMYAPKWAvKashmirGujarkhanvKlassic   Week 14Sunday31/7/2022AMYAvPKWAKKvJhelumKashmirvGujarkhan TigersKlassicvRochdale Lions   Cup FinalSunday7/8/2022   Week 15Sunday14/8/2022Rochdale …

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Syhiba The Hundred Fixtures – Season 2022

Thursday, 2nd June 2022 – 5.00pmFirst RoundHome  AwayAKarmandvScouthillBRajputvKings XI LahoreCYorkshire LionsvRising StarsDWakefield StarsvHeaton Park    Friday, 3rd June 2022 – 5.00pmQuarter FinalsHome AwayWHeaton ParkvKashmirXRajputvRising StarsYScouthillvWhiteroseZBhalotvPunjab    Monday, 29th August 2022 – 12.00pm (Park Avenue, Bradford)Semi FinalsHome Away11.00amKashmir vRising Star2.00pmBhalotvWhiterose    Monday, 29th August 2022 (Park Avenue, Bradford)Final v 5.00pm   

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Leeds Sign Design (LSD) Cup and Shield Fixtures – Season 2022

Cup Draws Cup 1st Road – 22nd May 2022GroupHome  Away1AK EaglesvRising Star2WhiterosevBradford Moor3PunjabvBhalot4SubhanvRajput5ScouthillvKarmand6KashmirvDiamond7Kings XI LahorevDarulshafa8Heaton ParkvKhan    Cup Quarter Finals – 12th June 2022GroupHome AwayWDarulshafavWhiteroseXKhanvRajputYKarmandvAK EaglesZKashmirvBhalot    Cup Semi Finals – 3rd July 2022 Home Away Kashmir or BhalotvKarmand or AK Eagles Khan or RajputvDarulshafa or Whiterose    Cup Final – 14th August 2022 (Park Avenue, Bradford) Shield Draws Shield 1st Road – 22nd May 2022GroupHome  Away1Yorkshire LionsvNorthcliffe B2Kings XIvBradford United A3Mylahore Tabs …

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Star Section – Season 2022 League Fixtures

Week 1Sunday17/4/2022ScouthillvKings XIFriendsvNorthcliffe 1st XIMylahore Tabs BvPunjabBradford United BvAMY North East   Week 2Sunday24/4/2022Northcliffe 1st XIvScouthillFriendsvMylahore Tabs BBradford United BvPunjabKings XIvAMY North East   Week 3Sunday1/5/2022ScouthillvMylahore Tabs BFriendsvBradford United BAMY North EastvPunjabKings XIvNorthcliffe 1st XI   Week 4Sunday8/5/2022Bradford United BvScouthillAMY North EastvFriendsPunjabvKings XINorthcliffe 1st XIvMylahore Tabs B   Week 5Sunday15/5/2022ScouthillvAMY North EastPunjabvFriendsNorthcliffe 1st XIvBradford United BMylahore Tabs BvKings XI   Cup/Shield 1st RoundSunday22/5/2022   Week 6Sunday29/5/2022PunjabvScouthillKings XIvFriendsAMY North EastvNorthcliffe 1st XIBradford United …

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Jinnah Section – Season 2022 League Fixtures

Week 1Sunday17/4/2022Northcliffe 2nd XIvMylahore Tabs A Nathia UnitedvWakefield Star Great HortonvAQ Khan Heaton ParkvKhan   Week 2Sunday24/4/2022Wakefield Star vNorthcliffe 2nd XIGreat HortonvNathia UnitedKhanvAQ Khan Mylahore Tabs A vHeaton Park   Week 3Sunday1/5/2022Northcliffe 2nd XIvGreat HortonNathia UnitedvKhanAQ Khan vHeaton ParkMylahore Tabs A vWakefield Star    Week 4Sunday8/5/2022KhanvNorthcliffe 2nd XIHeaton ParkvNathia UnitedMylahore Tabs A vAQ Khan Great HortonvWakefield Star    Week 5Sunday15/5/2022Northcliffe 2nd XIvHeaton ParkNathia UnitedvAQ Khan Wakefield Star vKhanGreat HortonvMylahore Tabs A    Cup/Shield 1st RoundSunday22/5/2022   Week 6Sunday29/5/2022AQ Khan vNorthcliffe 2nd XIMylahore Tabs A vNathia UnitedHeaton …

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Crescent Section – Season 2022 League Fixtures

Week 1Sunday17/4/2022Leeds StallionsvRest WeekYorkshire Lions vChachSubhanvIndus BradfordBradford United AvCricademiaKings XI LahorevCentral Leeds   Week 2Monday18/4/2022Leeds StallionsvSubhanChachvCricademiaKings XI LahorevRest WeekCentral LeedsvYorkshire Lions Bradford United AvIndus Bradford   Week 3Sunday24/4/2022ChachvLeeds StallionsSubhanvRest WeekYorkshire Lions vCricademiaIndus BradfordvKings XI LahoreCentral LeedsvBradford United A   Week 4Sunday1/5/2022Leeds StallionsvKings XI LahoreCricademiavCentral LeedsBradford United AvSubhanIndus BradfordvChachRest WeekvYorkshire Lions    Week 5Monday2/5/2022Central LeedsvLeeds StallionsKings XI LahorevBradford United ACricademiavIndus BradfordSubhanvYorkshire Lions ChachvRest Week   Week 6Sunday8/5/2022Leeds StallionsvBradford United AIndus BradfordvCentral LeedsYorkshire Lions vKings XI LahoreRest …

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Premier Section – Season 2022 League Fixtures

Week 1Sunday17/4/2022DiamondvRajputRising StarvDarulshafaBradford MoorvWhiteroseKashmirvAK EaglesKarmandvBhalot   Week 2Sunday24/4/2022WhiterosevDiamondDarulshafavAK EaglesRajputvKarmandBhalotvRising StarKashmirvBradford Moor   Week 3Sunday1/5/2022DarulshafavDiamondWhiterosevRajputRising StarvAK EaglesBradford MoorvKarmandBhalotvKashmir   Week 4Sunday8/5/2022DiamondvKarmandAK EaglesvBhalotKashmirvWhiteroseBradford MoorvDarulshafaRajputvRising Star   Week 5Sunday15/5/2022DiamondvBhalotKarmandvKashmirAK EaglesvBradford MoorWhiterosevRising StarDarulshafavRajput   Cup/Shield 1st RoundSunday22/5/2022   Week 6Sunday29/5/2022DiamondvKashmirBhalotvBradford MoorKarmandvRising StarRajputvAK EaglesDarulshafavWhiterose   Week 8Sunday5/6/2022AK EaglesvDiamondWhiterosevKarmandBhalotvDarulshafaKashmirvRajputBradford MoorvRising Star   Cup/Shield Q FinalsSunday12/6/2022   Week 9Sunday19/6/2022DiamondvBradford MoorRising StarvKashmirRajputvBhalotDarulshafavKarmandAK EaglesvWhiterose   Week 11Sunday26/6/2022Rising StarvDiamondRajputvBradford MoorKashmirvDarulshafaBhalotvWhiteroseKarmandvAK Eagles   Week 13Sunday3/7/2022Cup Semi Finals   Week 12Sunday10/7/2022RajputvDiamondDarulshafavRising StarWhiterosevBradford MoorAK EaglesvKashmirBhalotvKarmand   Week 14Sunday17/7/2022DiamondvWhiteroseAK EaglesvDarulshafaKarmandvRajputRising StarvBhalotBradford MoorvKashmir   Week 15Sunday24/7/2022DiamondvDarulshafaRajputvWhiteroseAK EaglesvRising StarKarmandvBradford MoorKashmirvBhalot   Week 16Sunday31/7/2022KarmandvDiamondBhalotvAK EaglesWhiterosevKashmirDarulshafavBradford MoorRising StarvRajput   Week …

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League Update

League News

It’s been a very busy winter for the new committee over the past three months. The media coverage with the revelation of the racism scandal in cricketNew club applicationsCreation of the new play cricket league websiteClub registration for Season 2022 We wish to thank all the 35 member clubs who have now registered their club for forthcoming season 2022. Some …

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Final call for new applications for Season 2022 – Apply before 16th January 2022.

New Application Reopen

The league is looking to extend the number of teams by one more to balance both Crescent and Star Section, if you are interested please complete the online form and we will contact you to discuss your application – New Club Application Form Season 2022 will be the last season where new applications will have the opportunity to gain promotion …

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League extends Crescent and Star Section to 12 each.

League News

At the new club application meeting held on the 8th December 2021 the committee met with all four clubs wishing to join the league for the forthcoming season 2022. After meeting the clubs the committee had to reconsider its original plan to only include two out of the four clubs. All four applications enhanced the league in their different ways …

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Annual Awards Ceremony – Table interviews by Faheem Malik


Many club/teams gave their prospective of season 2021 and the experience of participating in both the Quaid e Azam Premier Cricket League and Dewsbury and District Cricket League. The videos can also be accessed from the league YouTube channel – Link to the Channel

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Annual Awards Ceremony – YouTube videos uploaded


We wish to thank Faheem Malik for taking the time to join us and who recorded the ceremony which took place on the 31st October 2021 at Aagrah Midpoint Restaurant, Bradford. The table interview will be uploaded tomorrow – 13th December 2021. Kashmir Cricket Club Season 2020 – Premier Section Champions, Captain Siraj Sajid collecting the championship trophy followed by …

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Final call for new applications for Season 2022

new club image

We have arranged to meet with the four new team application this coming Wednesday, 8th December 2021 to process their application. The league is looking to extend the number of teams to form another section, if you are interested please complete the online form and we will contact you to discuss your application – New Club Application Form The applications …

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MCC Foundation Bradford Boys Hub invitation – 10 weeks high quality intensive indoor cricket coaching – FREE to attend


Are you aged between 13 – 15 years old, attended state school and willing to commit 100% effort in all the sessions this could be your opportunity to have fun whilst being supported to reach your full potential on and off the cricket pitch. The indoor cricket sessions will run from January 2022 through to April 2022 between 18.00 – …

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Quaid e Azam Premier and Dewsbury and District Cricket League : Player Survey (28th – 30th November 2021) – Results are in

thank you survey

Quaid e Azam Premier Cricket League – 123 responsesDewsbury and District Cricket League – 22 responses Thank you to all the club secretaries and committee members for promoting the player survey amongst their team/clubs members. In just over 2 days the survey page was visited 543 times, so we got the message out to our cricketing community which created interest …

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Why the interest in Quaid e Azam Premier and Dewsbury and District Cricket Leagues?

survey Image

In the two year since its inauguration of the Quaid a Azam Premier Cricket league in January 2020 and the associate membership with Dewsbury and District the leagues continue to attract new teams and players during the most difficult time experienced in a generation as Covid continues to affect the way we go about our everyday activities whether that be …

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Inaugural Awards Presentation – 31st October 2021 @ Aagrah Midpoint Restaurant, Bradford.


The Quaid e Azam Premier and Dewsbury and District cricket leagues first joint award ceremony was a success as the demand for additional tickets continued until the morning of the ceremony. The event attracted over 230 players, officials, guest and committee members and filled the entire first floor. Attendees at Aagrah Midpoint – Bradford As usually the event was celebrated …

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Annual General Meeting – Update

AGM images

The first in person AGM took place on Wednesday, 3rd November 2021 at Shipley College to elect the first league committee of the Quaid e Azam Premier Cricket league. The committee was elected on block as all the vacancies were not contested and the 6 body person will now take over from the interim committee. The league finances were also …

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Quaid e Azam Premier Cricket League : Annual General Meeting
Shipley College, Saltaire
3rd November 2021

League News

Agenda Click here to download a copy of the Agenda · Apologise · Welcome and statement from Chairperson · League Accounts · League Committee –  Elections Executive Chairperson Basharat Husain (Proposed by Rajpoot CC, AK Eagles CC, Bhalot CC,  Bradford Moor CC and Indus Ghari CC) Executive Vice Chairperson Amir Majid (Proposed by Bradford Moor CC, and Indus Ghari) Executive Results and Registration Officer …

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Awards Presentation Ceremony – 31st October 2021 – Doors open at 6.00pm

League Update both leagues

The inaugural awards ceremony of the Quaid e Azam Premier Cricket League with Dewsbury and District Cricket League will take place on Sunday, 31st October 2021 at Aagrah Midpoint, The Aagrah Building, Mid Point, Thornbury, Bradford BD3 7AY – 01274 668818. Due to the increase in the number of positive Covid cases over the past few weeks the league will …

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League Averages – Season 2021

Averages season 2021

Premier Section Batting Average Award (300+ runs and 9 innings)Players NameClubInningsRunsNot OutAvgIbrar LatifKashmir12529252.90Mohammad Akmal Bhalot10398249.75Adeel AshrafDiamond13549042.23Waleed AkhtarDarulshafa12449037.42Umar AbbasAK Eagles15410437.27Abdul WaheedKashmir14429235.75Yasir Ali Bhalot11325132.50Farhan HussainAK Eagles13353232.09Asif AyubKarmand15480032.00Sajad AliDarulshafa12345131.36Kamran Hussain Bhalot14362230.17Mohammad SheerazDiamond14382027.28Mohammad SaqibDiamond15343226.38Waleed AnjumAK Eagles17421126.31Shezad KhalidDiamond15378025.20Amir AyubKarmand16313324.08Rashid AyubKarmand14310123.85Sohail AkramBradford Moor14315022.50Ehtisham Ud DinSubhan17327221.80 Bowling Average Award (20+ wickets and 9 innings)Players NameClubOversRunsWicketsAvgIjaz AhmedKarmand75.32632311.43Aqsad Ali Bhalot70.42812411.71Omar Farooq Bhalot1013963112.77Sajad AliDarulshafa83.43722614.31Musswar ShahKarmand84.53242214.73Irfan MaqsoodSubhan1174843215.13Mohammad AltafDiamond954012615.42Kashif YousafDiamond89.54082516.32Mujahid HussainSubhan104.94202516.80Armaan HussainKashmir1033772117.95Amir AyubKarmand112.15152223.41Ehtisham Ud DinSubhan109.14852024.25 Wicketkeeping AwardPlayers NameClubsCatchesStumpings DismissalsMohammed AliKashmir244 28Imran …

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Rajpoot Crowned Star and Crescent Champions Season 2021

Match Reports 2021

Rajpoot maintained their last two wickets to deny the extra point to Rising Star who needed the point to secure the championship title, Rajpoot batted out the overs with 8 men down and scored 134 to take the championship title for season 2021 and Rising star now reflect on the 1 point they could easily have secure in last week’s …

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Final Play Off fixtures – 26th September and DDCL T20 Winners

League Update both leagues

The final fixtures for both the Star and Crescent Section Champtionship title and promotion place will take place tomorrow, 26th Setpmeber 2021 at 12.00pm. The matches will be played as follows: Kings XI CC v Punjab CC – Hosted by Heaton Park at Rawdon Meadows, Apperley Bridge, Bradford, BD10 ONR Rising Star CC v Rajpoot – Hosted by Mayfield Cricket …

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T20 Final and Play Off Fixtures – 19th September 2021

League Update both leagues

We have three fixture taking place on Sunday, 19th September 2021. Quaid e Azam Premier Cricket League – Star and Crescent Section Play Off’s, Start Time 12.00pm Punjab Cricket Club v Rising Star Cricket Club – Ground Yeadon Cricket Club, 47 High Street, Leeds, LS19 7TA Rajpoot Cricket Club v Kings XI Lahore – Ground Girlington Cricket Club, Little Horton …

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Friends win 2nd Championship Title

Friends XI Champions 2021

The title fight went to the last game between PKWA and Friends XI. PKWA batted first and lost wickets regularly as Friends XI dominated the first innings bowling PKWA out for just 81 runs, well below par for them. Friends XI comfortably chased the score with the loss of just 2 wickets and won the match by 8 wickets. Friends …

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Final League Match Report – Season 2021

Kashmir CC 2021

Its was good to get back to a cautious normal after a short season last year, clubs & players will feel better for it. The past 18th months have been difficult for all of us whether that was because some of us contracted Covid, lost loved ones or had challenges returning home. Cricket has been one thing we all had …

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Match Report – 6th September 2021

Match Reports 2021

With just one league game left Kashmir are most likely to be confirmed as the League champions this coming Sunday for the 2nd consecutive season and also to become the first club to complete a double. With a lead of 13 points Bhalot are relying on Khan 1st XI to finish their season on a high. Forth place is still …

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