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LIVE Streaming – Kashmir Cricket Club v Whiterose Cricket Club – 19th May 2024 @ 1.00pm

Live Streaming Whiterose v kashmir

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LIVE Streaming – Whiterose Cricket Club v Rising Star Cricket Club

Live Streaming Whiterose v Rising Star

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Match Report – 12th May 2024

League Match Report

After a delay of 2 weeks we managed to get all the fixtures in during last week and the interest in both the match report and interest in the individual performance outstripped the first match report compared to last season. The webpage had over 651 views during last week, with 167 reaches on the league Facebook page. All match reports …

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Dewsbury and District Cricket League – Match scores GO Live

DDCL Goes live

Since last Sunday, all the fixtures switched over to Play-Cricket with live scorers for all league and cup fixtures. Cricket enthusiasts can now follow all the matches live via this website by selecting results in the menu.

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League Results – Super League Season 2024

Dewsbury Results

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League tables Dewsbury League

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Amateur Overseas Player List – Season 2024 (as at 23rd June 2024) Club Order

Amateur Oversea

Full Name of playerClub Registering PlayerPrevious Club (old club)Date registered or transfer approved by previous clubIs the a new registration or transferSandeep singhAK Eagles CC22/04/2024New RegistrationShoaib NasirAK Eagles CC01/04/2024New RegistrationTitus Tonius SimonAK Eagles CC01/04/2024New RegistrationHashir sohailAK Eagles CC14/06/2024New RegistrationBernard Andre SnymanAK Eagles CC19/06/2024New RegistrationSaurabh DeshmukhBatley CC06/05/2024New RegistrationAkhil koharBatley CC12/04/2024New RegistrationSahaj ChadhaBatley CC30/05/2024New RegistrationVikas DixitBhalot Strikers CC06/05/2024New RegistrationMatthew William roseBhalot Strikers …

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Match Report – 5th May 2024

League Match Report

The day for most if not all started with prayers for Mohammed (Bill) Saddique who sadly past away last month. What an amazing person and what a remarkable life. We feel so lucky that Bill was part of our cricketing family. May Allah give his family and friend the strength at this difficult time. Ameen. Whiterose CC v Karmand CC …

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Overseas player image


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League tables Star

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League tables Jinnah

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League tables Crescent

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League tables Premier

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League Results – Star Section Season 2024

League results Star

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League Results – Jinnah Section Season 2024

League results Jinnah

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League Results – Crescent Section Season 2024

League results Crescent

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League Results – Premier Section Season 2024

League results Premier

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Update – League Fixture 28th April 2024

League Update

Following on from last week preseason meeting where we agreed to discuss the matter relating to this coming Sunday fixtures and put forward to the club to make the final majority decision. The fact most leagues in West Yorkshire has indicated that ground preparation has been challenging and fixtures not likely on Saturday and with the forecast for rain on …

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Dewsbury Super League – Fixture Season 2024

DDCL Fixtures V2

Week 1Sunday21/04/2024FriendsvPKWAKKvAMYA YorkshireKashmirvGujarkhan   Week 2Sunday28/04/2024KKvKashmirAMYA YorkshirevPKWAFriendsvGujarkhan   Week 3Sunday05/05/2024AMYA YorkshirevKashmirFriendsvKKGujarkhanvPKWA   Week 4Sunday12/05/2024KashmirvPKWAGujarkhanvKKFriendsvAMYA Yorkshire   Week 5Sunday19/05/2024GujarkhanvAMYA YorkshirePKWAvKKKashmirvFriends   Week 6Sunday26/05/2024PKWAvFriendsAMYA YorkshirevKKGujarkhanvKashmir   Week 7 – Cup Quarter FinalsSunday02/06/2024HomevAwayA – ByevKKB – GujarkhanvBye C – PKWAvKashmirD – Friends XIvAMYA Yorkshire   Week 8Sunday09/06/2024KashmirvKKPKWAvAMYA YorkshireGujarkhanvFriends   Week 9 – T20 Quarter FinalsSunday16/06/2024HomevAwayA – GujarkhanvKKB – KashmirvByeC Friends XIvAMYAD -ByevPKWA    Week 10Sunday23/06/2024KashmirvAMYA YorkshireKKvFriendsPKWAvGujarkhan   Week 11 – 8 a Side Competition 30/06/2024    Week 12Sunday07/07/2024PKWAvKashmirKKvGujarkhanAMYA YorkshirevFriends   Week 13 – Cup Semi FinalsSunday14/07/2024KKvGujarkhanPKWAvAMYA   Week 14Sunday21/07/2024AMYA YorkshirevGujarkhanKKvPKWAFriendsvKashmir   Week 15Sunday28/07/2024FriendsvPKWAKKvAMYA …

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Preseason Meeting Update and Anti-Racism Pledge

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We would like to show our appreciation to both Yorkshire County Cricket Club and Yorkshire Cricket Board for hosting the Quaid e Azam Premier Cricket Leagues Pre-season Meeting at Icon Headingley Cricket Ground. The preseason meeting was organised to not only kick the season off but also for three of the prominent leagues (Quaid e Azam Premier Cricket League, …

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Today we lost one of our own – Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un

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Mohammed Saddique, also known as Bill passed away today after a short spell of being unwell. We write this message with a heavy heart to say farewell to one of our own. We pray that may Allah grants Bill the highest place of Jannah. Our deepest condolence to the family and Friends, in particular Qasim and Adam. Inna Lillahi wa …

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Eid Mubarak to all Officials and Players of Quaid e Azam Premier and Dewsbury and District CL

Eid Mubarak wishes

Eid mubarak to all club officials and players on behalf of both league boards as we complete the blessed month of Ramadan and now celebrate Eid ul fitr with our friends and family.

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Player Transfers – Season 2024 (as of 23rd June 24) Club Order


Full Name of playerClub Requesting TransferPrevious Club (old club)Date Transfer Approved by Previous clubShoukat AliAK Eagles CCHeaton Park CC15/04/2024Sajad AliAK Eagles CCNothern Warriors CC13/03/2024Arsaam hameed malikAK Eagles CCNothern Warriors CC14/02/2024Anas ImtiazAK Eagles CCWakefield Stars CC07/02/2024Umaid sajjadBatley CCKarmand CC15/05/2024Umaid AhmedBatley CCKarmand CC15/05/2024Jawad AkhtarBatley CCWakefield Stars CC04/04/2024Zahoor hussainBatley CCWakefield Stars CC23/03/2024Roheil hussainBatley CCBhalot Strikers CC18/03/2024Muhammad Adeel BaigBhalot Strikers CCAK Eagles CC15/05/2024Myles woodBhalot …

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Preseason update


All the plans are in place for the forthcoming season with a new record of 38 clubs all fighting for promotion to what will be another exciting season. Can Bhalot Strikers defend their championship title or will three times champion Kashmir win it back if they are to compete against AK Eagles and Whiterose. Will both Nafees and Kings XI …

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Syhiba The Hundred – Fixtures 2024

The Hundred

Tuesday, 11th June 2024, at 6.00pmQuarter FinalsHome AwayWRajputvWhiteroseXNafeesvAK EaglesYBhalot StrikersvKings XI LahoreZNathia United AvKashmir Dewsbury    Monday, 26th August 2024 – Park Avenue, BradfordSemi FinalsHome Away10.30amBhalot StrikersvKashmir Dewsbury1.30pmWhiterosevAK Eagles    Monday, 26th August 2024 – Park Avenue, BradfordFinal v 4.30pm   

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Mohammed (Bill) Saddique Shield – Fixtures 2024

Mohammed Saddiquev1

Shield Preliminary Round – 6th May 2024ABradford UnitedvNorthcliffe CCBUnited FriendsvTABS CCCGemini FalconsvLeeds StarsDYorkshire LionsvAQ KhanEWakefield StarsvKhan CCFNathia United BvBrighouse Qalandars Shield 1st Road – 26th May 2024GroupHome Away1Bradford RidersvAMY North East2Gemini FalconsvBradford United3Hanover CCvFriends4Mayfield CCvGhourghousti5Wakefield StarsvMirpur Royals6United FriendsvYorkshire Lions7Leeds StallionsvIndus Bradford8Nathia United BvDiamonds Shield Quarter Finals – Bank Holiday Monday, 27th May 2024GroupHome AwayWHanovervGhourghushtiXLeeds StallionsvWakefield StarsYBradford RidersvGemini FalconsZDiamondsvYorkshire Lions Shield Semi Finals – 7th July …

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AdilCo Cup – Fixtures 2024

Adilco Advert

Cup 1st Road – 26th May 2024GroupHome Away1Kashmir DewsburyvNathia United A2Batley CCvNothern Warriors3KarmandvBradford Moor4Kings XI LahorevHeaton Park5NafeesvRising Star6AK EaglesvBrighouse Warriors7Great Horton SportsvBhalot Strikers8RajputvWhiterose    Cup Quarter Finals – 16th June 2024GroupHome AwayWNothern Warriors – 24th June at Bilton In Ainsty YO26 7NL, 3.00pm.vAK EaglesXBhalot Strikers – 24th June, Park Avenue, 3.00pm.vKarmandYNafees vWhiteroseZKashmir, 25th June, Heckmondwike CC, 5.30pm.vKings XI Lahore    Cup Semi Finals – 7th July …

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Premier Section – Fixtures Season 2024

Premier Section Fixtures

Week 1Sunday21/4/2024Kings XI LahorevBhalot StrikersRising StarsvGreat Horton SportsWhiterosevNafees CCNothern WarriorsvKashmir DewsburyAK EaglesvKarmand   Week 2Sunday28/4/2024Nafees CCvBhalot StrikersKashmir DewsburyvRising StarsKarmandvKings XI LahoreGreat Horton SportsvAK EaglesNothern WarriorsvWhiterose   Week 3Sunday5/5/2024Rising StarsvBhalot StrikersNafees CCvKings XI LahoreGreat Horton SportsvKashmir DewsburyKarmandvWhiteroseAK EaglesvNothern Warriors   Week 4Sunday12/5/2024KarmandvBhalot StrikersAK EaglesvKashmir DewsburyNothern WarriorsvNafees CCWhiterosevRising StarsKings XI LahorevGreat Horton Sports   Week 5Sunday19/5/2024Bhalot StrikersvAK EaglesNothern WarriorsvKarmandKashmir DewsburyvWhiteroseNafees CCvGreat Horton SportsRising StarsvKings XI Lahore   Cup/Shield 1st RoundSunday26/5/2024   Week 6Sunday2/6/2024Bhalot StrikersvNothern …

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Crescent Section – Fixtures Season 2024

Crescent Section Fixtures

Week 1Sunday21/4/2024Heaton ParkvTABS CCNathia United AvBradford MoorIndus BradfordvRajputBrighouse WarriorsvDiamond CCBatley CCvBradford Riders   Week 2Sunday28/4/2024TABS CCvIndus BradfordBradford MoorvDiamond CCBatley CCvHeaton ParkBradford RidersvNathia United ABrighouse WarriorsvRajput   Week 3Sunday5/5/2024Nathia United AvTABS CCRajputvHeaton ParkBrighouse WarriorsvBradford MoorBradford RidersvIndus BradfordDiamond CCvBatley CC   Week 4Sunday12/5/2024TABS CCvBatley CCBradford RidersvDiamond CCBrighouse WarriorsvIndus BradfordBradford MoorvRajputNathia United AvHeaton Park   Week 5Sunday19/5/2024Bradford RidersvTABS CCBatley CCvBrighouse WarriorsDiamond CCvRajputIndus BradfordvNathia United AHeaton ParkvBradford Moor   Cup/Shield 1st RoundSunday26/5/2024   Week 6Sunday2/6/2024TABS CCvBrighouse …

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Jinnah Section – Fixtures Season 2024

Jinnah Section

Week 1Sunday21/4/2024Mirpur RoyalsvBradford UnitedHanovervYorkshire LionsMayfieldvWakefield StarsLeeds StallionsvNathia United BAQ KhanvKhan   Week 2Sunday28/4/2024MayfieldvMirpur RoyalsNathia United BvHanoverKhanvAMY North EastAQ KhanvYorkshire LionsWakefield StarsvLeeds Stallions   Week 3Sunday5/5/2024HanovervMirpur RoyalsMayfieldvUnited FriendsYorkshire LionsvNathia United BKhanvWakefield StarsLeeds StallionsvAQ Khan   Week 4Sunday12/5/2024Mirpur RoyalsvKhanAQ KhanvNathia United BMayfieldvLeeds StallionsHanovervWakefield StarsGhourghousti CCvYorkshire Lions   Week 5Sunday19/5/2024Mirpur RoyalsvAQ KhanLeeds StallionsvKhanNathia United BvWakefield StarsYorkshire LionsvMayfieldLeeds StarsvHanover   Cup/Shield 1st RoundSunday26/5/2024   Week 6Sunday2/6/2024Leeds StallionsvMirpur RoyalsWakefield StarsvAQ KhanKhanvYorkshire LionsNorthcliffevNathia United BMayfieldvHanover   Week 8Sunday9/6/2024Nathia United BvMirpur …

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