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League Removes Cup Qualification Rule for Season 2020

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The recent government announcement to extend the lock down by at least another 3 weeks is a clear indication that the number of league games will be reduced and therefore is likely to impact the qualification of players for the quarter – final, Semi – Finals and Final of the LSD Cup.

The Executive Committee agreed to remove the requirement of the qualification (rule 18) for all rounds to ensure standard of cricket is not stifled.

What does this mean for member clubs.

  • The League requires all clubs to complete scoreseheets for statistical purposes as well as confirming player qualification, as the rule has been removed for season 2020 we will NOT require any member club to complete scoresheets until the first completed fixture.
  • Member clubs will be able to play any player that is registered with their club during all rounds of the LSD Cup.

Depending on when the announcement is made by the ECB/government to allow sports to start we will have to consider the following relating to the LSD Cup:

  • To catch-up on the postponed LSD Cup fixtures to consider playing reduced over games during midweek to complete the fixture in one evening
  • Depending on the announcement we may have to cancel the competition but this will be our last option as we aim to play as many fixtures as possible once the season starts.

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