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Match Report and Other information- 16th May 2021

Another positive step to the roadmap out of lockdown but we need to continue to be vigilant and follow ECB & government guidelines

The main changes under Step 3 guidance are as follows from tomorrow, 17th May 2021:

  • On-field Activities: All on-field restrictions remain as the same, member clubs are advised to continue with hygiene breaks and no use of saliva/sweat on the cricket ball
  • Changing rooms: can open where it is safe to do so but social distancing and other mitigation measures must be observed, including restrictions on capacity limits.
  • Hospitality: Clubhouses and facilities that serve food and drink can open. Both indoor and outdoor hospitality will be permitted. The provision of food and beverage should be as per government guidance on hospitality settings
  • Teas: Teas can now by served at clubs where this can be done safely and in compliance with government guidance on hospitality settings.
  • Spectators: Spectators are permitted at both public and private venues. Spectators must observe social distancing and legal gathering size limits (groups of up to 30 outdoors).
  • Travel: You can leave your home to exercise and take part in informal and organised cricket. Car sharing is permitted for sport in accordance with the government guidance for safer travel.

Onside and Leg side wide

The feedback from umpiring official regarding Legside wide, law of cricket explained.

22.1.1 If the bowler bowls a ball, not being a No ball, the umpire shall adjudge it a Wide if, according to the definition in 22.1.2, the ball passes wide of where the striker is standing and which also would have passed wide of the striker standing in a normal guard position.

22.1.2 The ball will be considered as passing wide of the striker unless it is sufficiently within reach for him/her to be able to hit it with the bat by means of a normal cricket stroke.

Onside Wide ball – Explained on video (In English)

Onside Wide ball – Explained on Video (in Urdu)

Match Report – 16th May 2021

Another rain interrupted weekend and the forecast going forward does not seem promising. Three of the five games went ahead in the Premier Section with mix bag pf scores, low scoring games at Jinnah Arena between Karmand and Khan, whilst Bradford Moor scored the highest innings score of the day. Both Crescent and Star section had 3 out of the 5 games each rained off, the four completed fixtures were all one sided. All the first position clubs Kashmir, Rajpoot and Rising Star maintained the place at the top even after being frustrated with waterlogged pitches.

In the Dewsbury and District Cricket League all the fixtures were a washout, as Huddersfield had more then its fair share of the rain during the mid afternoon.

Highest Innings score – Bradford Moor : 243 for the loss of 8 wickets

Highest Individual Batting Scores – Premier Section : Arjun Ramkumar, Bradford Moor Cricket Club – 77 runs

Highest Individual Bowling – Premier Section : Kevin McDermott, Karmand Cricket Club – 6 for 25 runs

Kevin Mcdermont

Highest Individual Batting Scores – Crescent Section : Iftikhar Ahmed, Northcliffe Cricket Club – 100 runs

Iftikhar Ahmed

Highest Individual Bowling – Star Section : Navid Ahmed 5 for 19 (left), Murtaza Ali (right) 5-21, Central Leeds Cricket Club.

Navid Ahmed Murtaza Ali

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